Sunday, December 27, 2009

happy days of 2009

FOUR days till we celebrate the coming of the decade! Whee! 2009 has been wonderfully amazing, I realized that holidays with the one you love are so fucking awesome, you just want more, more more! We didn’t go to much places, but the few places that we went to, we had such great fun, I can’t wait to do it for a lifetime with you.


The year my brother got married, and now his wife is pregnant, due in March! (whee! i am getting a nephew!). It’s the year when we spoilt ourselves during anniversaries and birthdays and surprises! (zoo, mooncake, truffles, and more!) It’s the year of new and revived friendships and the lost of some (ohwell). It’s when I graduated from NIE (yay 2nd graduation) and made up my mind to educate. It’s the year I started work in my new environment and totally rocked it, and I am looking forward to a new set of challenges next year (Discipline Mistress, HouseMistress and Netball IC! Whee! On top of teaching 4 levels. HAHA). It’s the year baby got a new job and it’s the year we planned out our future together seriously. It’s the year I asked my mommy and daddy if it’s okay to marry in 2012 (and they said okay) and it’s the year I participated in one of his family’s weddings. 2009 has been really loving and blissful for me, despite some downs in some days/weeks but looking at it as a whole, it’s as awesome as you can get. (for me)

It’s the year we discussed proper wedding plans (ideas!ideas!) and housing options. It’s the year we set target saving goals for both of us and it’s the year i started investing (with baby’s friend). (well it has been the year where people are talking about marriage and planning theirs in a few years’ time. stressful hor. *breathe in and out* play cool ah)

It’s the year of hot and cold (Hot in SunnyPhuket and cold in TokyoJapan). It’s the year my weight fluctuated like crazy (and my running phases). It’s the year (probably) I discovered how to put on eyeliner and the year i became (actually!) more vain about myself. It’s the year I’m thinking of wnating to buy a sports car for myself and also battling about with my practical self (my guy side). It’s been a happy year and I think Santa thinks I’ve been a really good girl last year to bless me with such happiness this year (i think so too!)

Holidaypicks this year: Penang, Ipoh, Malacca, Tokyo, Phuket, Port Dickson, Philippines, Nagano

(we didn’t even go to Batam for seafood this year. omgican’tbelieveit. Not even Bintan! (but it’s damn expensive)

Long periods of longing and loving and happyfeelings were peppered with periods of anguish, but these generally take place around the same time of each month due to PMS and the term ‘the men just don’t get it’. But of course, with each angsty moment, with each outburst and venting out frustration and then talking it through, there comes understanding, giving in and it’s when you get closer to the person more and more. (cos i am stubborn and headstrong like that)

(like seriously, if you are going to suck it in all the time, you are potraying an angelic image of yourself to your partner. later marry also how? still suck it in or all hell breaks lose? no need to scream and shout lah, just need to voice out your disagreements while you are still dating, no? so you know if you can live with the person for the rest of your life or not)

There are so many other things I feel like saying about 2009 but it will just be too long. (yes i suck at the summary section of the GP paper. always!)

Come 2010, i will be rocking the scene even more and having plenty of fun, work or play!

And Insya-Allah, life will be sweet and loving and even more amazing next year.

Resolutions will come later (though one of it is cut down on holidays but i already thinking of destinations. wtf!)

I know the year isn’t over yet for 2009, we’ll be having an amazing New Year’s Eve (though we aren’t sure what we are doing? BBQ? Camping? Bumming? Packed food? Hotel? Heheh) and I have my MGdarlings to meet tonight! Some I’ve not met since graduation! Hehe


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