Sunday, January 3, 2010

So, who are Lutherans?

We’ve been around for about 450 years!  Even though here in the south, we are sparse, up north there are many Lutherans.  For example, within an hour or so of Detroit, Michigan, you’ll find about 150 Lutheran churches.  To find that same number of Lutheran churches here in the south it takes all of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi!!

There are a few different denominations of Lutherans, we belong to the largest “bunch” of Lutherans, the ELCA.  The ELCA is then divided up into synods (districts, divisions, dioceses, etc.) we are part of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA.

Each of the 65 synods has a Bishop, and then we have one Presiding Bishop over the ELCA.  It’s not like the Catholic Church which has a Pope and the orders go down hill.  Ours is a grass roots approach.

So who are Lutherans?  We are as diverse as any religious group.  We have conservatives and liberals. We have fundamentalists.  We have married couples, we have singles, we have families, we have blended families, we have families of choice, we have straight people and gay people, we have every nationality known to humanity to name just a few!

What do we believe?  How do we worship?  Do we have doctrines?  How do we interpret the Bible?  Those and more are for up coming blogs!!


Pastor Steve


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